This work describes various treatment methods for periprosthetic fractures of the proximal femur. The aim of the research is to analyze the methods of osteosynthesis in operative treatment. The study applied instrumental and clinical methods. An analysis of surgical treatment methods for patients using cerclage wire, bone plates, and revision endoprosthetics during the operation has been conducted. Additionally, data from both near and distant results have been analyzed. Comparative descriptions of the obtained results were made. The scientific value of this work may serve as a basis for the further development of methods and techniques for fixing fractures, and contribute to the advancement of science. The practical significance lies in achieving rigid fixation of fractures during surgery, which provides the opportunity for early rehabilitation of adjacent joints and restoration of limb function. The economic significance lies in the need to analyze the data of the obtained results in treatment, and to choose a treatment strategy that does not negatively impact the patient's financial situation and the state healthcare economy. In conclusion, it should be noted that considering the intramedullary component's placement, methods and techniques for rigid fixation of fractures should be developed.
Periprosthetic fracture, bone plate, stem of the prosthesis, femur, proximal section, fixator, implant, osteosynthesis, Vancouver classification, resultReferences
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