Human hematopoietic organs belong to the main structures of the body that perform the function of forming new blood cells. Evaluation of the features of bone marrow myelogram in newborn children in different regions of Kyrgyzstan. The histology of the red bone marrow, taken by puncture biopsy in 42 newborn children who died in the regions of Kyrgyzstan, was studied. The number of myelocaryocytes and reticulocytes is calculated on the preparations, and myelograms are counted on smears. It is established that residents of Bishkek, Cholpon-Ata and Naryn (the real count of cellular elements per 500 cells) is a sternal punctate cellular, all the sprouts of hematopoiesis are preserved. Residents of the city of Kara-Вalta noted that the indicators of blasts are 0%, promyelocytes are 1.2%, lymphocytes are 21.6%, erythroid germ is 16.9% and the red blood maturation index is 0.7%. In those who lived in Cholpon-Ata, compared with those who lived in Bishkek, lymphocytes were slightly increased by 12.9%, and the erythroid germ was slightly reduced by 17.4%. Indicators of myelogram in residents of Naryn compared with the data of Bishkek erythroid germ increased by 2.2%. Megakaryocytes are in sufficient quantity, there are few mature platelets. Living in the city of Kara-Вalta, located near the uranium tailings dump, is accompanied by a violation of the hematopoietic function of the bone marrow, the structure of bone tissue and the state of the stroma, a change in the ratio of hematopoietic and adipose tissue, the cellular composition is characterized by a different degree of pathological processes, as indicated by the indicators of myelograms in Kara-Balta compared with indicators of other regions of the Kyrgyz Republic.
histological examination, red bone marrow, myelogram, cadaveric material.References
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