

Objective: to determine the diagnostic value of protein S-100B level in blood serum at patients with mild head injury. M aterial and methods. We conducted prospective assessment of protein S100Blevel in blood serum at 19 patients, received conservative treatment because of mild head injury at Neurosurgical Clinic of National Hos­pital for the period of time 2012-2017. All patients underwent clinico-neurological examination, brain CT and brain MRI, electroencephalography (EEG). The level of protein S100B in blood serum was determined at onceduring patients’ admission, then repeated evaluation - in 24 and 48 hours. The comparative analysis of data, received by clinico-instrumental examination and measurement of protein S100Blevel at patients with mild head injury, was carried out. Results and discussion. We revealed the increase of protein S100B level higher than normal value (more than 105 tg/l) at 11 (58%) patients during first 6 hours after trauma. The elevation of protein S100Blevel in blood serum showed that there was structural damage of brain tissue (brain contusion). Brain CT revealed foci of brain injuries only at 73% of patients with increased protein S100B level (n=11 patients), while MRI - at 100%. Brain CT and MRI revealed no pathological areas in brain at patients with normal value of protein S-100e (n=8 patients).
There were no correlations between protein S100Blevel and type of brain injury, localization and volume of pathological focus and presence of cranial bones fractures. Also there was no significant correlation between protein S-100B level and changes in EEG (р > 0,05). Conclusions. Protein S100B is high-sensitivity biochemical marker of neural tissue damage. The elevation of protein S-100B level in blood serum at patients with mild head injury may be the additional criteria at deter­mining the diagnosis of brain contusion.


mild head injury, biochemical markers, protein S100B


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How to Cite

Файзуллаева, Г. . “DIAGNOSIS OF MILD TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY DETECTING S-100B PROTEIN LEVEL IN VICTIMS ”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 5, no. 5, May 2023, pp. 159-64, doi:10.54890/.v5i5.690.

