Summary: The article presents the values of cardiointervalogram indicators the college and lyceum's students of humanitarian, medical and technical specializations. There had been investigated 240 students aged 16-17 years. Determining the level of body's vegetative supporting functions carried out by means of physical activity-Martin sample.This test was carried out in 2 stages: 1) state of rest in a sitting position (the registration of cardiointervalogram was carried out for 5 minutes)-background indicators; 2) after 20 squats for 30 seconds (recording with CIV for 5 minutes). Before the prior sample the normotonics were dominated among boy and girl students (78% and 73 respectively).The vagotonic reaction was observed in the boys'health of the technical specialization (25%) and in girls'health of humanitarian specialization (23%). In the boys' health of the humanitarian specialization prevailed simpatikotonik (65%) and ingirls' health of technical specialization (42%).
Comparing the types of vegetative tone obtained during the Martine tests there had been revealed that in the health of the surveyed students of medical lyceum dominated normo tonics (75% and 70% respectively). The vagotonic reaction was observed in health of boys and girls (8% and 5 % respectively) and in the boy's health of technical specialization (5%).Noticeable simpatikotonia was found in health of girls of the humanitarian specialization (33%) and in health of girls of technical specialization (12%) that indicates the activation of the sympathetic nervous system. During the analysis of the cardiointervalogram indicators it was determined that at the end of first year the students of medical and technical specialization were more adapted to the training loads of the colleges and lyceums. According to the investigation we can suppose that to the vegetative supporting functuions of the students are influenced by the training specifics and individual features of surveyed students.
adolescents, cardiointervalography, vegetative tone, Martine sample.References
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