The aim of examination: Improvement of the patients with health’s wound surgical treatment results on the basis of central and peripheric hemodynamics.
Methods of examination: general clinical, statistic, special (roentgenological, ultrasonography, thoracopscopy and electrocardiography), indexes of central and peripheric hemodynamics (frequency of heart contractions, striking indexes, heart indexes).
Results and their novelty: It is revealed that different directions of hypo circulatory changes of central and peripheric hemodynamics in the patients begin to from in the first minutes and hours of taking heart trauma. These hypo circulatory changes of central and peripheric hemodynamics are caused by forming of DlC-syndrom, increasing of central venous pressure, increasing of intrapleural pressure, growing of physical viscosity of the whole blood and its components.
The work is scientifically based on the fact, that a surgeon practically no opportunity and time to make necessary collection of instrumental examinations of the patients with pericardial injury and health’s wounds. That’s why in such special situations it is necessary to make the following clinic-prognostic criteria’s of health’s wound: trauma’s circumstances, localization of the primary wound in the “space of Grekov”, pulmonary respiration, hemopneumothorax manifestation, cutaneous integument, blood pressure, pulse pattern, pain, heart tones, dyspnea presence, state of consciousness, papillary reflex and CVP, their manifestation dynamics is determined by the presence or absence of cardiac tamponade.
Recommendations of using: having worked out and studied clinic-prognostic criteria’s (verbality) in health’s wounds are recommended for practical public health and for invasion to emergency surgery.
health’s and pericardium's wounds, cardiac tamponade, central and peripheric hemodynamics, clinical prognostic criteria’s of'diagnosties, verbality.References
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