Focal cystic-arachnoiditis of the brain (FCAB) - is a relatively rare pathology of the brain in most cases accompanied with the prominent drug treatment resistant epileptic activity (16-60% of cases). Possibilities o f treatment tactics and methods of influence to the epileptic focus optimization were studied on 92 patients with FSAB. After evaluation of the treatments results in all three groups it was found that there was a significant prevalence of positive results in a group of patients who underwent multiple subpial transsection (MST), where elimination of epileptic seizu(62,5% of cases) and solitary epileptic episodes during postoperative period were observed in 9 patients (20,1% cases in this group). Complete elimination of seizures was archived only in 13,3% and 16,7% of cases in groups of patients that were operated without MST and received drug treatment respectively. Next conclusions were made: MST is an effective and safe method of treatment of the focal paroxysmal activity in FCAB; this method can be recommended to this type of patients as a method of choice.
cystic arachnoiditis, surgical treatment of epilepsy, multiple subpial transsectionReferences
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