86 patients with front abdominal hernia have been operated for hemioplasty with usage ; polypropylene meshes. 21 patient had inguinal hernia among them 7 patients with recurrent hernia. 65 patients have been operated with ventral hernia, among them 50 patients with post-operational hernia and 19 with recurrent hernia. Liechtenstein method was applied on 12 patients with inguinal hernia, Darcy method was applied on 5 patients with inguinal hernia and modified Stopp method was applied on 4 patients with double inguinal hernia. Complications in post-operational period were not found. In the case of medial ventral hernia after excision of skin with hypodermic tissue coupled with post-operational scar and hernial sac the dissection of 1/2 of leaf of external and internal oblique muscles aponeurosis on either sides was made by Ramirez method, this made it possible to suture without intention the innir sides of rectus muscle uninterruptedly by polypropylene thread by edge to edge and to liquidate diastasis of aponeurosis up to 20 cm. The “On lay” polypropylene mesh “On lay” was laid over and sutured; the hypodermic tissue was drained with 1-2 drainages with connection to vacuum system. In postoperational period in 6 patients were stated a seroma and in 2 patients it was observed with hypodermic tissue suppuration and wound healing with secondary intention. Hospital stay term of patients with ventral hernia was in average not more than 10-12 days, with inguinal hernia —7-8 days.
front abdominal hernia, inguinal hernia, ventral hernia, postoperative hernia, recurrent he: nia, polypropylene mesh, herniotomy, hernioplasty.References
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