The aim of this study was to detect if smoking and work at high altitude was associated with obstructive ventilation defect (OVD). 1484 workers (1292 males, 192 females), aged 18-61 years (mean age 38.0 ± 9.3), working at high altitude mining company in Kyrgyzstan, were screened for lung function. Spirometry was performed to compare people with different smoking duration and working shiftrotations at altitude 4,000 m (N=1140) with those working full-day at middle-altitude (N=64) and never working at high altitude (N=280). Though bronchial obstruction was similarly prevalent in patients working at high and low altitude and 8.4% was the mean prevalence of (FEV|/FVC < 70%), flows of high altitude workers except for peak expiratory flow (PEF) was less, and work at high altitude was associated with OVD - OR 1.53. Smoking had a greater association with OVD, and it doubled the OVD probability. To conclude, though lung function of people working shift rotations at high altitude was similar to people not exposed to it, smoking was the most meaning factor to cause bronchial obstruction, whereas high altitude emerged to be less harmful.
spirometry, high altitude, smokingReferences
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