
Resume. The Goal - to conduct a comparative study of the influence of L-arginine on the manifestation of alpine adaptation at an altitude of 4100 meters above sea level in the base camp North Inylchek (Eastern Tien Shan).Materials and methods. Based on the Lake Louise scoring system, 28 people in case of high mountains disadaptation were assessed oxygen saturation, blood pressure and pulse response during 24 hours of adaptation at an altitude of 4,100 m. The main group of 16 people took aspartate L-arginine in the form of oral solution (Tivortin preparation, Yuri-Farm production, Ukraine) in a dose of 1 gram (5 ml) up to 8 times a
day. The control group was the other 12 people who did not take Tivortin.
Results: Compared to the control group, the main group of those who took L-arginine aspartate showed a faster cessation of symptoms of high mountains disadaptation and increasing of SpO2. At the same time, they have seen favorable shifts in hemodynamic parameters - lower blood pressure and lower heart rate. Tivortin was well tolerated by those who were examined.
Conclusion: Aspartate L-arginine in the form of oral solution (Tivortin) can be recommended to optimize adaptation to high mountains. It is advisable to study the effectiveness of aspartate L-arginine in acute mountain disease of varying severity.


high-altitude adaptation, high mountains disadaptation, L-arginine, Tivortin


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