Summary. A comparative evaluation of the results of mitral valve (MV) prosthetics with the preservation of the posterior cusp and with the complete removal of the mitral valve flaps is given. 46 patients with mitral heart disease were analyzed. The main group consisted of 23 patients who underwent mitral valve replacement while maintaining the posterior cusps. The control group included 23 patients who underwent mitral valve implantation with complete removal of valves and chordal papillary apparatus. In the near postoperative period, the end-diastolic volume of the left ventricle in patients in the main group significantly decreased (by 8.9 ml compared to the initial preoperative parameters) than in patients in the control group (by 5.6 ml compared to the initial preoperative parameters). The increase in volume loads in patients of the control group was accompanied by a decrease in the ejection fraction due to remodeling of the left ventricular cavity. In patients of the main group, echocardiographic (EchoCG) data after surgery indicate the normalization of intracardiac hemodynamics, a decrease in linear and volumetric parameters of the left ventricle of the heart, as well as an increase in its contractility. In the control group slightly improved Echocardiographic indices of the left ventricle, but the fraction of the expulsion of the left ventricle decreased (from 59,0±9,8% to 56.1±9.4 per cent). In addition, the duration of cardiopulmonary bypass in the study group was shorter than in the control group (83.6±32.3 min 115.4±32.0 respectively).
mitral valve, posterior cusp, left ventricle, remodeling.References
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