Abstract. The pandemic of a new coronavirus infection in the world, including in Kyrgyz Republic, was the basis for a detailed analysis of characteristics of the disease in children in the Republican Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital (RCIDH) in Bishkek. The aim of the study is to analyze the clinical and epidemiological data. The approaches to the treatment of COVID-19 in children were based on materials from a specialized infectious hospital. It was first deployed in Bishkek in April 2020. Мaterials and methods. 93 medical records of sick children were analysed aged 1 to 18 years, who were isolated in the boxes of the RCIDH with a diagnosis of COVID-19. It was confirmed by a positive nucleic acid amplification test, RT-PCR, for SARS-CoV-2.
Results. Children over 3 years of age prevailed among the other cases (67.7%, n=63). House hold and Family contacts prevailed too (65.6%, n=61). In most cases, children suffered from a mild form of the disease - 51.6% (n=48), than a moderate form - 48.4% (n=45). In 8.6% (n=8) of cases, there was a late (in the second week of the disease) hospitalization of patients. Children presented with fever in 61.3% (n=57) of cases. Half of those children - 47.2% (n=27) had febrile temperature. It was found that the clinical picture was dominated by throat hyperemia (51.6%, n=48), cough - 50.5% (n=47), difficulty in
nasal breathing - 23.7% (n=22), headache - 18.5% (n=17), muscle pain - 12% (n=11), agitation - 10.9% (n=10), symptoms of intestinal dysfunction - 8.7% (n=8), taste disturbance - 6.5% (n=6), anosmia - 3.2 % (n=1), chest pain - 3.3% (n=3), and exanthema - 1.1% (n=1). Patients were treated in accordance with the guidelines for the treatment of COVID-19 in adults and children.
Conclusions. Symptoms of COVID-19 in children in the Chui Valley are nonspecific, but have unique features compared too ther acute respiratory viral infections. However, the principles of therapy are similar. They in volve taking in to account the severity of the disease and concomitant pathology. There is a definite tendency to wards more frequent lung damage in patients of early and preschool age.
SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, new coronavirus infection, pneumonia, children.References
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