In BSRCTO and ICHEMA in the Department of Spine Pathology from 2015 to 2024, 573 patients with trauma and chronic injuries of the thoracic and lumbar spine were surgically treated using various techniques of ventral and dorsal stabilization.
Among the 573 operated patients, there were 396 males (69.1%) and 177 females (30.9%). The age range of patients was from 18 years to 68 years. In the preoperative period, patients underwent review spondylographies, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Patients with a long-standing injury underwent needle electroneuromyography to evaluate nerve- muscle conduction.
Based on the findings, injuries were categorized according to F. Magerl et al. and by F. Denis. Local kyphosis was measured, which averaged 20.1º ± 2.7º. All patients (n-573) were categorized into 4 groups according to the method of the performed operative technique. The efficacy of each of the techniques was evaluated with the determination of specific indications for their application and the peculiarities in the use of devices for fixation of the damaged segments were studied.
The degree of regression of neurological disorders was assessed according to N. Frankel, before
and after surgical intervention, where there is a gradation into groups according to the degree of severity and manifestation of motor and sensory disorders. Also, the intensity of pain syndrome was determined using the visual analog scale (VAS) and the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI).
The post-operative clinical results of treatment were controlled in all operated patients: good results were obtained in 467 (81.5%) cases; satisfactory - in 87 (15.2%), unsatisfactory - in 19 (3.3%). After 1 year and more clinical results were evaluated in 359 (62.6%) patients; good results were obtained in 301 (83.4%), satisfactory - in 58 (16.2%).
posttraumatic stenosis of spinal canal, unstable vertebral fractures, transpedicular fixation, transcorporal decompression, dynamic sliding cage, bone autograftReferences
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