Among the body systems, a hemostasis system that provides liquid state of the blood is one of the most labile systems. This is the reason for any effects on the body both external and internal factors resulted to the disorders in the dynamic balance status between the coagulation and fibrinolytic components of the hemostatic system. It makes this issue study very important. Moreover, an urgency of this issue study is deeper by the fact that the mountain landscape in the Kyrgyz Republic is about 90%. Approximately 20% of the population lives in mountain areas, and 30% lives in the foothills. All the studies we have conducted in the conditions of high mountains based on Tuya-Ashuu at the altitude of 3.200 meters above the sea level. In addition, the issues of providing the musculoskeletal system with oxygen, the direct manifestation of this system, are largely determined by the functional state of the hemostasis system, therefore, the study of structural and functional changes in the bone tissue of the body, adapting to high altitude conditions, and the process of bone generation in the body. in the mountains when they are damaged are of great importance. In parallel, the hemostasis system, of course, affects not only the functional state, but also the regenerative capabilities of tissues and organs. In this case, regeneration of skeletal bones is, on the one hand, not only one of the most important sections of modern traumatology but also, on the other hand, an integral part of a single general biological process of restructuring
osteotomy, distraction, hemostasis, fibrinolysis, coagulation, high mountains, hyperfibrinogenemia, experiment, thromboembolism.References
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