
Despite improvements in diagnostic methods and microsurgical techniques for treating arterial aneurysms of the cerebral vessels, there remains a high probability of mortality and persistent disability among the working population. This scientific work presents the results of examination and surgical treatment of 86 patients operated on from 2017 to 2023 y. at the Neurosurgery Clinic of the National Hospital. The age of the patients ranged from 23 to 78 years (average age - 47±1.7 years), among them there were 48 (55.8%) men, 38 (44.2%) women. All patients underwent MRI or CT angiography of cerebral vessels; in 47 (54.6%) patients, cerebral aneurysm was confirmed by selective cerebral angiography. The size of the aneurysms ranged from miliary (3.0 mm to giant sizes 25.0-30.0 mm). All patients were subjected to surgical treatment. The tactics of administration, the results of surgical treatment and complications of patients with this pathology are described in detail.


arterial aneurysm, cerebral vessels, microsurgical treatment, clipping, SAH, intracerebral hemorrhage.

Author Biographies

M.M. Mamytov, Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbaev

Department of Neurosurgery for undergraduate and postgraduate education

U.U. Kozubaev, Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbaev

Department of Neurosurgery for undergraduate and postgraduate education


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How to Cite

Мамытов, М., and У. Козубаев. “NEUROSURGICAL PROBLEMS OF CLIPPING ARTERIAL CEREBRAL ANEURYSMS”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 3, no. 3, Oct. 2024, pp. 117-25, doi:10.54890/1694-8882-2024-3-117 .

