The article is devoted to understanding the importance of the value of health, considering the influence of certain factors on human health, based on the relationship between health, lifestyle, spiritual and moral values, objective and subjective factors. In contentthe articles highlight the problems and tasks associated with the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle by a modern person, the preservation and improvement of his health. It is emphasized that in order to solve these problems and tasks, it is necessary to combine efforts on the part of the state, health care, institutions and agents of socialization of the individual, as well as the individuals themselves, social groups.Only through the joint efforts of all participants in society can effective measures be taken to promote a healthy lifestyle, prevent diseases and improve the quality of life of each person.
Indicators indicating the state of health vary depending on the age, gender, diet, living conditions and activities of each person. Therefore, health is determined taking into account the subjective state of each person and anthropometric, clinical, physiological, biochemical parameters, and with them gender, age, and climatic conditions. For example, a healthy person living in a valley will feel much worse when he goes to a high altitude, unable to adapt to lack of oxygen and low atmospheric pressure in high-altitude conditions. That is why, when adapting to high altitude, he feels sick, the body's adaptation mechanisms become very strong, but health is not impaired in this case.
Health, physical health, the factor , proper nutrition , mental health, social health, healthy lifestyle, the magnetic field.References
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