Objective: To enhance outcomes in endovideosurgical treatment for patients with chronic coprostasis associated with decompensated dolichosigma. Methods: Patients with chronic constipation treated at City Multispecialty Hospital No. 2 in Astana from 2019 to 2023 underwent laparoscopic left-sided hemicolectomy using a specialized technique for decompensated dolichosigma and chronic coprostasis. Of the 28 patients admitted during this period, 25 received surgery using the new technique, while three urgently underwent surgery for acute intestinal obstruction. Patients in the new technique group had a shorter hospital stay (7-8 days) compared to those with traditional sigmoid colon resection (12.0 ± 1.1 days). Comprehensive assessments included clinical and laboratory studies, instrumental examinations, and microbiological investigations. Laparoscopic equipment was used for all surgeries. Results: The new surgical method led to an average hospital stay of 7-8 days, shorter than the traditional surgery group's 12.0 ± 1.1 days, with no postoperative complications. Comprehensive rehabilitation after surgery was followed by 6 to 12 months of medical monitoring. Colonic function fully recovered in the new method group, marked by regular, well-formed stools without laxative use. Patients reported an improved quality of life and a return to work activities during follow-up. Conclusion: The enhanced endovideosurgical approach for managing coprostasis in patients with decompensated dolichosigma substantially diminishes the occurrence of procedure-associated complications, leading to a reduction in the duration of postoperative recovery and temporary work incapacity for affected individuals.
chronic coprostasis, dolichosigma, laparoscopic left-sided hemicolectomy method, selection criteria.References
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