

Resume. The aim o f the study: comparative assessm ent o f clinical and diagnostic data in elderly and younger patients with pain in the right upper quadrant o f the abdom en and diagnosed w ith acute cholecystitis.
Materials and methods. The study included 426 patients who were admitted to the emergency departm ent with pain in the right hypochondrium during 2019. A fter collecting retrospective data, patients were divided into groups according to their age: <65 and >65 years. The diagnosis o f acute cholecystitis was m ainly established on the basis o f ultrasound examination.
Results. Acute cholecystitis was diagnosed in 52 o f 301 patients in group I and in 48 o f 125 patients in group II. The ratio o f wom en and m en with acute cholecystitis was 2.25 in groupI and 0.71 in group II (p = 0.016). The average leukocyte count in patients w ith acute cholecystitis in group I and group II was 9907x109 / L (± 4.437) and 17083x109 / L (± 7485), respectively (p <0.001).
Conclusions. Acute cholecystitis is a com m on diagnosis in elderly patients with pain in the right hypochondrium. It is more common in wom en at an early age, but gender differences tend to change with age. Older patients w ith acute cholecystitis have higher leukocyte counts than younger patients. Clinicians should m aintain some degree o f awareness when evaluating geriatric patients w ith right upper quadrant pain.


acute cholecystitis, old age, right upper quadrant of the abdomen, leukocytes, ultrasound


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How to Cite

Сопуев, А., С. Бакиров, М. Бигишиев, С. Турдалиев, К. Овчаренко, and Н. Талипов. “ON THE DIAGNOSIS OF ACUTE CHOLECYSTITIS IN THE ELDERLY”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 3, no. 3, Feb. 2023, pp. 48-59, doi:10.54890/.v3i3.121.

