Olfactometry (the study of the olfactory function) involves the use of quantitativemethods to study the acuity of smell (determining the thresholds for the perception of odorous substances, the time of adaptation and recovery of smell), as well as qualitative methods to identify the ability to recognize and differentiate odors [1]. To determine the degree of damage, methods for determining the olfactory function using olfactometry were considered. We also analyzed the available olfactometry methods in the CIS countries, the USA and Europe. After the analysis, we have selected a modified set of olfactometry, more suitable for working with residents of the Kyrgyz Republic. The proposed set includes 9 odorants - odorants easily recognizable by patients. Odorants are presented in the form of solutions and placed in vacutainers. In the course of the work, indicators of the norm of the olfactory function were determined, as well as the prevalence of the level of damage to the olfactory analyzer. A possible relationship has been identified between the age of patients who have had a coronavirus infection and their ability to restore their sense of smell. The work done makes it possible to carry out olfactometry at all levels of otorhinolaryngological care and in the future to approach the treatment of disorders of the olfactory analyzer in more detail.
Olfactometry, damage to the olfactory analyzer, epidemic, coronavirus infection, neoplasms of the anterior cranial fossa, psychiatric diseases, thresholds of the olfactory analyzer, dysosmia.References
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