
The structure of comorbidities in HIV infection is presented and the Charlson comorbidity index is assessed. A retrospective observational study was performed on the basis of the Infectious diseases department of the Osh interregional united clinical hospital (OIRUCH), the data of 130 patients with HIV infection for the period 2009–2021 were studied. Comorbidity in HIV infection occurs with a high frequency (76.9±3.7%), and in PWID it exceeds for 1.5 times. 26.2% of patients had a high Charlson comorbidity index (7–10 points), indicating a high probability of death within a year. The structure of comorbidity is dominated by infections of the skin and mucous membranes (55.4%), respiratory diseases (53.1%), liver damage (43.1%), AIDS-associated diseases (30.7%). Comorbidity becomes widespread in persons with HIV infection, especially among older patients. This indicates the need for special attention on the part of health workers, additional examinations to identify and treat comorbidity. The results of our study will help raise the awareness of healthcare professionals about the possible complex combinations of comorbidities among HIV- infected people.


HIV infection, comorbidity, PWID, diagnosis, treatment


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How to Cite

Кутманова, А., and М. . Сатыбалдиев. “CHARACTERISTICS OF COMORBIDITY IN HIV INFECTION (on the Example of Osh Region)”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 4, no. 4, Nov. 2023, pp. 34-40, doi:10.54890/.v4i4.1049.

