Resume. The intrathecal neurolysis is a well-documented technique that can provide excellent and prolonged pain relief. In this study included twenty-five patients with cervical cancer, who suffered severe leg pain, resistant to opioids. Observation was enrolled during 8 weeks after intrathecal neurolysis. Patients were divided into 2 groups: group I included the patients who received intrathecal neurolysis, group II included patients who used morphine continuously. The pain score, performance status and morphine consumption were recorded regular at a week intervals. Pain scores were strongly reduced in group I after the intrathecal neurolysis (P≤0.05), and these patients used significantly less daily doses of morphine (P≤0.001). In group II pain score was stable, and patients continued to receive high doses of opioids with inadequate pain control and side effects of opioids. Physical performance improved within patients group I, in contrast, performance was decreased in group II (P≤0.001).
The intrathecal neurolysis is the effective method for palliation of severe intractable leg pain of patients with cervical cancer.
Ключові слова:
pain, intrathecal neurolysis, cervical cancer, morphine, opioids.Посилання
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