

Aim. The study of the structure of acute poisoning in children in the Ryazan region during 2013–2017 years. Materials and Methods. A retrospective analysis of 548 cases of acute poisoning in children in Ryazan region for 2013-2017 years was performed. Results. Most often, poisoning occurred in toddlers (35.6%) and adolescents (45.1%). The structure of the etiological factors were medications (45.1%) and unspecified substances (33.6%), alcohol and its surrogates (14.6%). Poisonings with alcohol and smoking mixtures were recorded in adolescents, more often in boys. Poisonings by unspecified medicines were dominated among medicines intoxications (33.6%). Poisonings by nasal decongestants (17.8%), sedatives and hypnotics (13.3%), psychotropic (6.4%), hypotensive (6.8%), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (6.8%) were dominated among specified medicines. Two hundred thirty children had treatment in the department of pediatric resuscitation and intensive care. Poisonings were as a result of an accident in 60.3% cases, suicidal attempts – in 34.3%, overdose of psychotropic drugs in adolescents, who have been using these drugs for a long time (5.5%). Two patients were died as a result of poisoning by wild mushrooms (pale toadstool). Conclusions. In the structure of acute poisoning in children of the Ryazan region in 2013-2017 years the most common were intoxication with drugs, unspecified substances, alcohol and its surrogates. Most often, poisoning occurred in toddlers and adolescents. A decrease of rate of toddlers and an increase of adolescents were in dynamics. The rate of alcohol intoxications, mainly in teenagers, increased in 2.5 times.

Ключові слова:

acute exogenous poisoning, children, intoxication.


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Як цитувати

Belyh, N., N. Anikeeva, I. Piznur, E. Stezhkina, S. Nikonova, N. Fokicheva, M. Iyoshkina, і G. Lebedinskaja. «EPIDEMIOLOGY OF ACUTE EXOGENOUS POISONINGS IN THE CHILDREN OF RYAZAN REGION ». Евразиялык саламаттыкты сактоо журналы, вип. 2, вип. 2, Січень 2022, с. 71-79, doi:10.54890/.v2i2.114.

