
Purpose of research. Evaluation of efficacy of laparotomy and laparoscopic methods of treatment of hepatic echinococcosis. Materials and methods of research. The results of laparotomy and laparoscopic methods of treatment of hepatic echinococcosis of the surgical department of City Clinical Hospital №1 (CCH №1) of Bishkek were used as the research material based on the retrospective analysis. The patients were excluded from the treatment of echinococcosis of the liver in the surgical department of City Clinical Hospital No.1 in Bishkek and the Educational and Scientific Medical Center of the Kyrgyz Academy of Medical Sciences (USSMC) in Bishkek. The exclusion criteria were patients with complicated liver echinococcosis. 123 patients were operated on: 70 patients were operated on using laparotomy method, 53 patients were operated on using laparoscopic method to treat hepatic echinococcosis. The study materials included general clinical tests, Katsoni's reaction, ultrasound, computed tomography. Results. The number of complications in the main group was 3 (5,7%), duration of the operation was 68,4±5,6 minutes, time of hospitalization - 5,14±0,67 days. Conclusion. The results of the study showed that the use of laparoscopic interventions can reduce the number of complications by 2 times, shorten the length of hospital stay and accelerate their rehabilitation. Discussions. According to the world statistics, the results of this study correlate with the results of other authors, nowadays minimally invasive interventions have shown their effectiveness, where postoperative complications occurred on the average in 4,8% of cases, and the hospital stay was 5,8±1,4 days. The role of laparoscopic surgery, as some authors believe, may be exaggerated, due to the lack of a clear intervention algorithm, which dictates the need for further research.


echinococcosis, liver, laparoscopy.

Author Biography

B.T. Toktogaziev, Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbaev

Department of Faculty Surgery named after R.K. Ryskulova


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How to Cite

Тологонова, А., С. . Акенов, and Б. Токтогазиев. “COMPARATIVE ASSESSMENT OF LAPAROTOMY AND LAPAROSCOPIC METHODS OF TREATMENT OF HEPATIC ECHINOCOCCOSIS ”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 2, no. 2, Nov. 2023, pp. 128-34, doi:10.54890/.v2i2.999.

