
Results of laparoscopic appendectomy using non-immersed method in 24 patients. The main indications for surgery are given, the features of the surgical technique of laparoscopic appendectomy are determined with an analysis of possible options. The main attention is paid to the processing of the stump of the appendix during the surgical period. The diagnosis was confirmed by laboratory and instrumental methods of examination. The immediate results, terms of surgery and inpatient treatment are presented. When using endovideosurgical interventions.


laparoscopy, appendectomy, non-immersed method, appendix stump.


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How to Cite

Сталбеков, И., and Б. . Токтогазиев. “LAPAROSCOPIC APPENDECTOMY NON-SUBMERSIBLE WAY ”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 2, no. 2, Oct. 2023, pp. 123-7, doi:10.54890/.v2i2.998.

