A parastomal hernia is a sac-like protrusion of the abdominal organs around the stoma due to weakness of the muscular layer of the anterior abdominal wall at the site of stoma formation. Despite significant advances in surgery in recent years, including new materials for prosthetics and the development of laparoscopy, the treatment of parastomal hernias remains one of the most difficult tasks in surgery. This is mainly due to the high recurrence rate in the postoperative period.
This article provides an overview of current knowledge about this disease. We considered works searched in the relevant databases Web of Science, PubMed, RSCI, using the keywords "parastomal hernia" and "stoma-related complications" in Russian and English. The emphasis is on modern approaches to effective treatment and reducing the incidence of this complication in groups of people operated on the intestines for various indications, when one of the stages of the surgical intervention was the imposition of entero- and colostomy. The most modern methods of surgical treatment of parastomal hernias include the laparoscopic Sugarbaker operation, the Pauli robotic operation, which are promising areas in surgery for complications of primary intestinal stoma.
parastomal hernia, colostomy, ileostomy, prosthetics, laparoscopy, recurrence, prevention.References
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