Within the framework of the realization of the national project «Health» it was carried out the investigation of spreading IHD and risk factors of its development in 418 women arid 522 men, working population of Khanty- Mansiysk at the age 20-59. There are detected gender differences in lipid metabolism abnormalities among the residents of Khanty-Mansiysk, decrease of XC LPBN 53,6% was the characterictic for women, for men 46,7%. The increase of the indice TR/LPBP was registered in 8,53% patients, more often in women than in men (11,1% against 7,1% correspondingly p<0,01). The spreading of IHD in women according to strict criteria was 12%, in men 3,9%, IHD was observed in women 3 times more often than in men, and category of possible IHD prevailed 2.3 times more often in women, in comparison with men.
ischemic heart disease, risk factors of IHS, dislipidemia, non-organized population, preventionReferences
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