The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the prevention of suppurativevoospalitelnyh complications of abdominal surgery. In the process, we used clinical parameters, which included an evaluation of the general condition and the wound process (normalization of body temperature, the disappearance of pain) and ehomorfometriyu wounds over time.
We observed 100 patients who had used Dekasan- fungicide, prostotsidny, virusocidal and antimicrobial agents. International name of the drug manufactured by pharmaceutical company "Jury-Farm." The drug is used in the form of a 0.02% solution: at the time of the operation, after the main phase of the operation and the wound presenting abdominal organs Dekasan irrigation solution with an exposure of 5 minutes.
Dekasan used in 100 patients have acute cholecystitis in 41, acute appendicitis in 56 and one observation were patients with acute intestinal obstruction, strangulated femoral hernia and a ruptured stomach ulcer.
The postoperative period was complicated in 4 patients (4%) of these festering wounds occurred in 2 and nifiltrat another 2 patients. Our results show the feasibility of using Dekasana prophylaxis.
prevention of inflammatory complications Dekasan the outcomeReferences
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