

Case-control study was conducted in rural regions of Armenia with the most intensive arable land cultivation. Patients with malignant tumors of different localization as case group and residents matching by sex, age, place of residence, etc. as control group were selected. Nested study was implemented with analysis of phytotoxic activity of environmental objects. Strong correlation between assortments of pesticides, their amounts and cancer morbidity wasn’t revealed, as well as differences in mutagenic burden of environmental objects in case and control groups were not proved. Meanwhile, certain phytotoxic activity was registered in both groups. However, application methods, storage of pesticides, reentering or harvesting periods are considered as factors contributing to development of malignant tumors.


case-control study, questionnaire, pesticide, phytotoxic activity, environmental media, cancer disease


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How to Cite

Айрапетян, А. . “CERTAIN ISSUES ON OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE TO PESTICIDES AND CANCER MORBIDITY IN ARMENIA ”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 5, no. 5, June 2023, pp. 82-85, doi:10.54890/.v5i5.905.

