The paper presents the results of the analysis of incidence according to a periodic medical examination by doctors of General practice (family medicine) in comparison with doctors, therapists, centres and polyclinics of Almaty. The first places in the structure of chronic illness have a disease of the circulatory system, the digestive system and diseases of the musculoskeletal and connective tissue. On the basis of mathematical simulation models have been developed based on the incidence of the leading and most popular classes and noso logical forms identified chronic diseases the age and experience of the surveyed entities. Installed a curved (parabolic) dependence of the probability offrequency of a chronic pathology among the examined doctors from indicators of age and experience, characterized by the presence of a complex of adverse factors in the labour market. The obtained results allow to speak about the role of working conditions in the occurrence of work-related chronic somatic diseases.
General practitioners, doctors, physicians, periodic medical examinations, chronic disease, curvilinear (parabolic) dependence, age, work experience in the profession.References
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