The main purpose of our work was to increase efficiency of results of curing patients with inguinal hernia by developing methodology of Liechtenstein. In total 48 patients had a surgery related to inguinal hernia, in 12 cases classical methodology of Liechtenstein was used, and the rest used the modified version. Most of the patients were men-45 of them, there were 3 women, and 33 of working age. All patients had surgery in planned row. Disease prescription was from 2 month to 11 years. Hernia carriers were 11 of patients, which contacted the hospital after detecting incorrigibility hernia sac- 1, pinching – 10. We paid much meaning to early activation of patients, especially those of elderly ages. After the surgery 1 of them had infiltrate, other complications were not noticed. All patients were discharched in satisfactory state. In 6-18 mouths after the monitoring of patients relapse was not detected.
inguinal hernia, surgical treatment, Lichtenstein method, long-term results.References
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