
This study presents an analysis of risk factors for the development and dynamics of changes in the prevalence of gallbladder polyps (GBP) in the Kyrgyz Republic for the period from 2009 to 2019. An analysis of 6067 people, who underwent screening of the general condition of the body, including an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs, was carried out in the period from 2009 to 2019. To assess the prevalence of gallbladder polyps, 1779 people were randomly selected according to gender and age. Risk factors for developing gallbladder polyps were analyzed between the GBP -positive and GBP -negative groups during 2009-2011. (Period A) and 2017-2019 (Period B). The annual prevalence of gallbladder polyps over the 11-year period was 6.3%. The annual prevalence increased from 2.9% in period A to 8.5% in period B. Male gender and obesity were independent risk factors for the development of GBP in both periods. Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) positivity was a risk factor for GBP in period A but was not in period B. Risk factors for GBP development changed from HBsAg positivity to lipid abnormalities. Other variables such as age, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, impaired fasting glucose, chronic hepatitis C virus, and liver function tests were not correlated with GBP.This study revealed a change in risk factors for development and an increase in the prevalence of gallbladder polyps in the Kyrgyz Republic, which emphasizes the relevance of this study.


polyp, gallbladder, prevalence, risk factors, obesity, male gender


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How to Cite

Сопуев, А.; Турдалиев, С.; Бакиров, С.; Бигишиев, М.; Эрнисова, М. GALL BLADDER POLYPS. PREVALENCE AND RISK FACTORS. ЕЖЗ 2021, 5, 63-75.

