Histology of red bone marrow taken by puncture biopsy in 28 elderly patients (cadavers) was studied. Human hematopoietic organs are the main structures of the body that perform the function of forming new blood cells.One of the most important tissues of our body is blood. It is responsible for the supply of oxygen, that is, the nutrition of all cells, organs and systems. The number of myelocaryocytes and reticulocytes was calculated on the preparations, and the number of myelograms was calculated on the smears. Cellular elements per 500 cells have a sternal punctate cell, all the sprouts of hematopoiesis are preserved. In the granulocytic germ, there is a slight rejuvenation. Megakaryocytes in su(cient quantity, the function is complete. In residents of Karabalta, it was noted that the bone marrow index of neutrophils is 0.6%, and the leukoerythroblas-tic ratio is 2.6%. The population of Cholpon-Ata is 2.2%, Naryn is 2.6% and Bishkek is 4.3%. Megakaryocytes in su(cient quantity, Mature platelets are not enough. Studies of bone marrow taken from cadaver material were conducted. Accommodation in the city Karabalta located near uranium tailings is accompanied by a disturbance of hematopoietic function of bone marrow, pattern of bone tissue and the condition of the stroma, changing the ratio of hematopoietic and adipose tissue as well as cellular composition is characterized by a diŸerent degree of pathological processes, as indicated by the indicators myelogram in karabalty in comparison with indicators of the other regions.
red bone marrow, myelogram, cadaver material, old age.References
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