

Resume. Diagnostic algorithm was tested using positional cervicomerty to identify cervical incompetence between 43 pregnant women with risk of preterm delivery. Рessaries were inserted to study the effectiveness of noninvasive cerclage for the management of cervical incompetence.


cervical incompetence, threatened preterm delivery, cervix uteri condition, cervix uteri length, cervicometry, pessary, cervical cerclage.


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How to Cite

Аскеров, А., Г. Атакозуева, and Малдыбаева A. “EXPERIENCE IN THE USE OF OBSTETRIC-GYNECOLOGIC PESSARIES IN THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 1, no. 1, May 2023, pp. 40-44, doi:10.54890/.v1i1.722.

