Resume. Aim. Considering highly prevalent use of mobile communication, the aim of the study was to assess the effect of patient education programme with the telephone follow-up to improve the clinical and ventilation parameters in outpatient chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) comorbid with essential hypertension (EH).
Materials and methods. 50 outpatients with comorbid COPD and EH (mean age 59.3±1.2 years) were subjected to clinical and instrumental (spirometry) examinations, after which they were divided into the intervention (N=25) and control (N=25) groups. Intervention group patients were exposed to a structured educational programme with the telephone follow-up. Six months later patients of both groups were examined again.
Results. Educational intervention entailed spirometric improvement (FEV1 increased from 63.2±3.1 to 82.5±5.1% predicted), blood pressure (BP) reduction (systolic BP from 155.0±4.1 to 120.0±1.6 mm Hg; diastolic BP from 98.0±2.2 to 76.0±1.3 mm Hg). Hospitalizations for COPD also reduced from 0.32±0.11 to 0.16±0.07, whereas number of COPD exacerbations also dropped from 1.24±0.21 to 0.68±0.13. There were no associated change in control group.
Conclusions. Patient education programme for patients with COPD comorbid with EH is an effective tool to adjunct basic treatment, leading to significant reduction of workload of primary healthcare facilities as a result of distant patients’ management.
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