Summary. Purpose of the report: Introduction doctors to clinical manifestations of myofascial symptom against the background of compressio-dislocational disfunction of temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ). 137 patients with compressed-dislocational disfunction of TMJ were examined, 13 among them had symptoms of paresis of mimic muscles. Diagnostics of compressio-dislocational disfunction of TMJ has based on spot-film radiography of TMJ, electromyography of chewing muscles by common methods. Based on the results of the researches the mechanism of occurrence myofascial symptom has performed, appurtenant local overload one of the joints, accompanied by compression of the anterior superior ear-temporal branch of the facial nerve, which has manifested by the symptoms of paresis of mimic muscles. The establishment of the causes of combined musculo-articular dysfunction TMJ and myofascial disorders will provide an opportunity to provide adequate treatment of these patients.
temporo-mandibular joint, compressio-dislocational musculo-articular disfunction, paresis of mimic muscles.References
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