
Abstract: Objectives: Critical analysis of the efficacy and safety of "hepatoprotectors" in terms of evidence-based medicine. Materials and methods: journals, meta-analyzes of RCT, Cochrane Database of syst. rev. Results: What a perfect hepatoprotectors so far does not exist. Prove to have different degrees of efficacy of UDCA, EFL, amino acid preparations. Silymarin preparations should be considered as gepatoprotectors with suspected, but unproven efficacy, which can be used under certain conditions.


gepatoprotectors, evidence-based medicine, drugs, efficacy, safety, a meta-analysis of RCT.

Author Biographies

M.S. Moldobaeva, Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbaev

Department of Internal Medicine Propaedeutics with the course of Endocrinology

R.M. Attokurova, Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbaev

Department of Internal Medicine Propaedeutics with the course of Endocrinology

G.A. Turusbekova, Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbaev

Department of Internal Medicine Propaedeutics with the course of Endocrinology

G.K. Dzhoroeva, Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbaev

Department of Internal Medicine Propaedeutics with the course of Endocrinology

B.K. Kadyrbekov, Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbaev

Department of Internal Medicine Propaedeutics with the course of Endocrinology


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How to Cite

Молдобаева, М., Р. Аттокурова, Г. Турусбекова, Г. Джороева, and Б. Кадырбеков. “MODERN VIEWS ON GEPATOPROTECTORS (ACCORDING TO META-ANALYSIS)”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 4, no. 4, Apr. 2023, pp. 74-78, doi:10.54890/.v4i4.593.

