There were conducted prospective and retrospective analysis of 318 stories of newborns to examine the features of the state of newborns in the early neonatal period in women with obesity: 198- from mothers with obesity of varying severity, 120- with standard weight. In obesity of II and III degrees more likely than in the control it is registered an amniotic fluid aspiration (in 1,7 and 2,5 times), fractures of clavicle (in 3,1 and 6,2 times), cephalhematoma (in 2,1 time), congenital malformation of the fetus (in 4,4 and 6,6 times). Postnatal adaptation is complicated by the pathological course of neonatal jaundice (in 1,2 and 1,8 times), increased excitability syndrome (in 4,1 and 9,3 times), pathological weight loss (in 2,1 and 1,8 times). Thus, obesity in mothers exerts a negative influence to the status of newborns.
obesity, status of newborns, complications.References
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