the aim of this work was to improve the results of treatment of liver alveococcosis. The survey used laboratory and instrumental methods of examination. There were observed 59 patients with alveococcosis, in 3 patients the process is recognized as inoperable, in 19 it was performed radical operations and in 37 it was performed conditionally radical operations with cryodestruction of the left foci alveococcosis. The postoperative course was favorable. At discharge there were given 3 courses of chemotherapy with albendazole 400 mg for 28 days to prevent recurrence of the disease. In terms from 6 months to 2 years study included 29 patients from 37, 12 - the examination revealed a lesion with clear contours, at 8 - no change 9 -the lesion decreased in size, neither not detected a progression of the process. Repeated operations were performed in 11 patients, 9 veluwen the lesion, and at 2 a part of the site which was not possible to remove the treated with liquid nitrogen. The postoperative period was uneventful. The obtained results confirm the effectiveness of the use of cryodestruction in conditionally radical operations. One patientdied from multiple organ failure.
liver, radical and conditionally radical surgery, alveolar hydatid disease, surgical treatment, cryotherapy, chemotherapy, liquid nitrogen.References
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