
this article deals with antibiotic resistance, which shows to world medicine community new re­quirement of rules in using antibiotics in clinical practice. Structural and pharmacodynamics features of Moxifloxacin - representative VIth class of fluoroquinolones - consider as a drug which fully conform to
modern clinical criteria’s of antibiotics in treatment in pluripotential infectious diseases. This article shows results of some multicentrical clinical researches using Moxifloxacin, and considers the questions of using this drug as a medicine of second line in treatment tuberculosis of respiratory system.


antibiotic resistance,antibiotics, VIth class of fluoroquinolones


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How to Cite

Молдоташова , А., Э. Апиева, Б. Асанов, and А. Береговой. “USING OF FLUOROQUINOLONES IN TREATMENT OF SURGICAL PATOLOGY ”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 1, no. 1, Apr. 2023, pp. 89-96, doi:10.54890/.v1i1.569.

