

Resume: The randomized controlled clinical trial for evaluation of efficacy of Vifex syrup on parameters of global health assessment and quality of life of pulmonary in-patients with moderate or severe acute/subacute cough was conducted in National Center of Cardiology and Internal Medicine. In comparison with patients in control group, addition of Vifex syrup to the main therapy regimen in experimental group after 5th day of therapy resulted in clinically and statistically significant improvement of cough frequency and severity (meas­ ured by VAS), cough daytime intensity (measured by verbal range scale of Cough daily intensity diary), and physical constituent of quality of life of patients (measured by Leicester Cough Questionnaire). Obtained data demonstrates efficacy and safety of Vifex syrup in relief of unpleasant symptoms severity in comparatively short time and significantly improvement of global health status, nocturnal sleep and quality of life in patients with persistent distressful and annoying cough.


cough, symptom severity, Vifex syrup.


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How to Cite

Акылбеков, А., М. Мадемилов, and Т. Сооронбаев. “EVALUATION OF EFFICACY OF VIFEX SYRUP IN PATIENTS WITH ACUTE AND SUBACUTE COUGH ”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 3, no. 3, Feb. 2023, pp. 25-31, doi:10.54890/.v3i3.465.

