The review provides information on the problem of the development of postoperative infectious complications in surgery, the growth of resistant strains of nosocomial infection pathogens, and strategic approaches to control and containment of the growth of antibiotic resistance. The main components of this strategy are the prevention of infectious diseases and the prevention of resistance, the monitoring of resistance and resistant infections, the improvement of antibiotic prescribing practices, and the development of new antimicrobial drugs. The introduction of antibiotic resistance control programs ultimately leads to a decrease in the incidence of postoperative infectious complications, optimization of the cost of antimicrobial agents, a reduction in the length of hospital stay, and treatment of postoperative infectious complications. For healthcare organizations in conditions of budget deficit, the introduction of control programs for the use of antimicrobial drugs is a timely and relevant measure.
antimicrobial drugs, antibiotic resistance, postoperative infectious complications, rational use of antibiotics.References
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