

The problem of postoperative infectious complications is still relevant for surgeons of various fields, representing a medical, social and economic problem on a global scale. The maximum frequency of postoperative infectious complications (up to 30%) is observed during urological operations, while in Kyrgyzstan this problem has not been studied enough. The aim of the study was to study the frequency, structure and course of postoperative infectious complications in urology.
Materials and methods. A retrospective study of 2256 urological patients was conducted, with the study of treatment outcomes, the structure and nature of postoperative infectious complications using the standard case definition developed by the CDC (Center of disease control and prevention).
Results. The frequency of postoperative infectious complications for all types of urological operations was 19.6%, and varied from 5.8 to 46.7% depending on the type of operations. In the structure of postoperative infectious complications SSI - 55%, catheter-associated urinary tract infections - 24% of cases, acute pyelonephritis - 13%, acute orchiepididymitis - 8% of cases. The occurrence of infections lengthens the hospital stay from 3.4 bed-days for varicocele surgery to 10.1 bed-days for prostate surgery. The data obtained indicate the need for further study of the problem of the development of infectious complications in urology and the development of measures for their prediction and prevention.


postoperative infectious complications, surgical site infections, healthcare- associated infections, urinary tract infections, urology.


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How to Cite

Кабаев, Б. ., Б. Кубанычбек у., Н. . Рыскулбеков, . К. Кырбашев, Б. . Усенбаев, and Б. . . Султанов. “FEATURES OF POSTOPERATIVE INFECTIOUS COMPLICATIONS IN UROLOGY ”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 5, no. 5-6, Feb. 2023, pp. 35-42, doi:10.54890/.v5i5-6.446.

