

The article is devoted to a review of the literature on the evalution of the severity of injury and the severity of the condition of victims in polytrauma. Modern methods for objectively assessing the severity of damage and predicting the outcome of a traumatic disease are presented. In assessing the severity of damage, both anatomical indicators and physiological parameters that characterize the body's response to severe injury are taken into account. The known objective methods of damage assessment in polytrauma both abroad and in the CIS countries have a number of shortcomings in terms of taking into account all factors affecting the polytrauma forecast. The problem of developing a universal rating scale for polytrauma is associated with a variety of injuries and functional impairments occurring in the victim’s body and understudied of predictors of injury outcome. The authors note the need to further improve ways to assess the severity of the condition of victims with polytrauma. This problem is a promising direction in the development of damage surgery.


polytrauma, multiple injury, concomitant injury, severity of injury, severity of condition, rating scale of severity of injury.


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How to Cite

Набиев, Е. . ., К. . . . Тезекбаев, and Д. . . Тусупов. “МЕТОДЫ ОБЪЕКТИВНОЙ ОЦЕНКИ ТЯЖЕСТИ ПОВРЕЖДЕНИЯ ПРИ ПОЛИТРАВМЕ”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 5, no. 5-6, Oct. 2022, pp. 80-88, doi:10.54890/.v5i5-6.371.

