Epidemiological studies of the prevalence of allergic diseases in children in the Kyrgyz Republic (Bishkek, Jalal-Abad, Balykchy) carried out in accordance with international standards under the program “International Study of Asthma and Allergy in Childhood - ISAAC”, allowed to obtain data comparable with the results of similar studies in the world. However, today these data need to be updated by organizing regular epidemiological studies in accordance with the IV phase of ISAAC. To date, new ISAAC centers in the cities of Naryn, Balykchy, Osh, and Jalal-Abad have undergone international registration in Auckland (New Zealand). Children with a history of atopy living in different climatic, geographical and environmental areas should be actively questioned through the ISAAC program for early detection of allergy symptoms. It is advisable to more widely introduce the ISAAC program questionnaire into the list of mandatory medical documentation of primary health care physicians for the early detection of allergies among children. In order to determine the spectrum of sensitization in allergic diseases in children, we analyze the results of modern molecular allergy testing ALEX. Data on the prevalence of allergic pathology among thechild population of the Kyrgyz Republic allow us to develop a set of measures to improve the organization of allergological care for children and adolescents.
asthma, allergy, children, ISAAC, molecular diagnostics.References
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