The state and prospects for the development of medical education in our country remain an important topic for discussion, especially in the context of rapidly developing technologies and innovations in medicine. Modern medical personnel must have not only basic knowledge, but also be able to apply advanced diagnostic and treatment methods, use high-tech equipment, and work effectively in the context of digitalization of healthcare. This requires regular updating of educational programs and competencies, especially at the postgraduate level. Retraining and advanced training of specialists should take into account the latest advances in medicine, as well as the introduction of new educational technologies, such as simulation trainers and online courses. It is important that medical training programmes reflect current healthcare needs, promoting the development of an interdisciplinary approach and improving the quality of medical services in the country. Objective: to analyze the current situation and development opportunities of postgraduate education in the Kyrgyz Republic. Research methods. This article is devoted to a review of the literature on the problems of development at the postgraduate level of education, where the main directions of medical education, the study of foreign experience, based on the analyzed literature are considered. This study describes the state and prospects for the development of medical education in Kyrgyzstan, using a diverse set of methods, including: thematic research methodology and comparative method.
health care system, medical academy, postgraduate medical education, competence and competence-based approach in educationReferences
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