
Aim - studying of frequency of a left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) and changes of heart geometry depending on level of blood pressure at dialysis patients. Material and methods. 40 dialysis patients have been divided into 3 groups depending on level of blood pressure (BP): hypotonics (BP = 100/60 mmHg. and lower), normotonics (BP = less than 139/89 mmHg.) and hypertensive patients (BP = 140/90 mm Hg. and higher). According to EchoKG LVH it is diagnosed for 55 % of patients. Results. Thus, among dialysis patients eccentric type- of LVH is more often. Severe anemia at hyperten­ sive persons significantly increases IMMLV. Great liquid volume in interdialysis period, especially at hypotonics, leads to a volume left ventricular overload.


hemodialysis, anemia, heart remodeling.


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How to Cite

Калиев P.; Байкелова , М.; Будайчиева , А.; Абдиев , Б.; Рахматуллаева , Н. HEART REMODELING AT DIALYSIS PATIENTS. ЕЖЗ 2024, 1, 167-171.

