
Research on the awareness of patients with asthma about the reduced price for basic drug provision on the Program of State Guarantees (PSG) vas conducted in November - December 2009 in all 7 oblasts of the Kyrgyz Republic and in the 3 districts of the Osh region, as well as in the capital Bishkek. Interviewed 100 adult patients with asthma on a specially designedluestionnaire. Was developed and published a booklet "Does the state support patients with asthma?". It was fond that 84% of patients with asthma were aware of their rights on the Program of State Guarantees and 78% of paients - for the additional program of Mandatory Health Insurance Fund. 90% of patients received in 2009 a basi drug beclomethasone for treatment of their diseases. 74% of patients received prescriptions for beclometfrsone to PSG, 52% of respondents purchased the drug at the pharmacy.


bronchial asthma, inhaled cortic neroids, reduced price drug provision


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How to Cite

Давлеталиева , Н., Н. Бримкулов, Д. Винников, and Т. Мергенбаева. “ИЗУЧЕНИЕ ИНФОРМИРОВАННОСТИ ПАЦИЕНТОВ С БРОНХИАЛ ЬНОЙ АСТМОЙ В КЫРГЫЗСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКЕ О ЛЬГОТНОМ ЛЕКАРСТВЕННОМ ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИИ, ПОД ДЕРЖИВАЕМОМ ГОСУДАРСТВОМ.”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 3, no. 3, Dec. 2024, pp. 101-7, https://vestnik.kgma.kg/index.php/vestnik/article/view/2138.

