
Authors described results of experimental research. The aim of this work was to study Cerebrolysin’s in(uence on brain structure pathological changes in the earliest posttraumatic period. The experiment was based on moderate brain injury experimental model using rodent animals. The trauma caused at animals complex of macro- and microscopic pathomorphological changes. Their analysis demonstrated deĸnite stages in these pathological changes development. Cerebrolysin lead to regression of pathomorphological changes in the early posttraumatic period (at 14th day after trauma). In the control group of animals was used physiological solution. Its curable effect on the cortex neurons was not veriĸed. Results of this experiment are reason for the effectiveness of Cerebrolysin using in the therapy of patients with traumatic brain injury.


Cerebrolysin, traumatic brain injury, pathohistological changes, brain

Author Biography

E.M. Mamytova , I.K. Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy,

Neurology and Medical Genetics Department


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How to Cite

Мамытова , Э. “CEREBROLYSIN INFLUENCE THE NEURONS STRUCTURAL DAMAGE AFTER EXPERIMENTAL TRAUMATIC HEAD INJURY”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 2, no. 2, Nov. 2024, pp. 81-86, https://vestnik.kgma.kg/index.php/vestnik/article/view/1929.

