
The overview of pharmacological properties of H1-antagonists was made on this paper. The conclusion was done, that for most clinical applications in outpatient conditions the drugs from II generation (“non-sedative generation”) are drugs of choice because they haven’t got any sedative properties. Fenkarol® (Quifenadine) has unique properties to accelerate destroying of histamine and to deplete it depot in tissues. Due to these properties Fenkarol® is one of the drug of choice from H1-antagonists for acute respiratory diseases treatment (common cold) and in complex medication for the treatment of bronchial asthma. As well Fenkarol® is one of the drug of choice for pediatric practice owing to the safety and long clinical experience of its use.


histamine, Н1 – blockers, allergy, in(ammation, spasmodic asthma. Quifenadine, (Fenkarol®).


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How to Cite

Вдовиченко , В. П., Г. М. Бронская, Т. Коршак, В. А. Казакевич, Н. К. Соколов, and Е. В. Акуленец. “THE PROBLEM OF CHOICE OF H1-ANTAGONIST IN CLINICAL PRACTICE”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 2, no. 2, Nov. 2024, pp. 47-52,

