

Based on our own experience and international recommendations, the work outlines the basic principles of infusion-transfusion therapy for blood loss and hemarogic shock in polytrauma. Numerous works in all fields of clinical medicine are devoted to the replacement therapy of acute blood loss, the possibilities of its correction and various methods. The thought of this indicates both the severity of the problem and the lack of consensus on ways to solve it. Our work reflects the main characteristics of transfusion therapy for acute mass traumatic blood loss. Special attention is paid to the changes in the concept of transfusion therapy that have occurred over the past 10 years. The importance of the provision on the need for early infusion of high doses of FFB and timely use of platelet concentrate as the most effective therapeutic measures to prevent the progression of acute disseminated intravascular coagulation is emphasized. It is concluded that excessive administration of saline solution is unacceptable in conditions of frequent development of metabolic acidosis in victims. We will consider the issue of introducing the proposed massive transfusion protocol into clinical practice in territorial hospitals of the Kyrgyz Republic.


blood loss, blood circulation, vascular spasm, hemotransfusion, hemodynamics

Author Biography

R.A. Fayzullaev, Clinical hospital of emergency medicine, Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University named after B. N. Yeltsin

Department of General and Faculty Surgery


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How to Cite

Файзуллаев, Р., and Р. Усенбеков. “FEATURES OF TRANSFUSION THERAPY IN ACUTE MASSIVE TRAUMATIC BLOOD LOSS”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 4, no. 4, Nov. 2024, pp. 213-9, doi:10.54890/1694-8882-2024-4-213.

