The work is devoted to the topical issue of modern orthopedics, surgical treatment of gonarthrosis with varus deformity. The purpose of the study is to minimize intraoperative traumatization, reduce the loss of correction of the tibial axis, reduce the time of onset of bone block and early rehabilitation of patients in the postoperative period, and we were also tasked with developing a device that provides rigid stabilization of bone fragments. More than 85 patients were operated on, who underwent high transverse osteotomy of the tibia and traced the immediate and long-term results. The use of this technique is advisable in young patients with deforming arthrosis of the knee joints of the second or third stage. The experience of corrective tibial osteotomy using bone plates in the form of a "butterfly" allows us to recommend it for wide use in clinical practice. This is expressed in stable fixation, the absence of complications such as migration of plastic. The minimally invasive surgical correction in the initial stages of gonarthrosis in adults with the use of a mini-plate with high clinical and radiological reliability has shown that this technique in the overwhelming majority of cases gives favorable results.
gonarthrosis, high corrective osteotomy, varus deformityReferences
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